Some Kind of Crazy.
Datta 05/26/2015
D G D C Bf G D F G C D Bf C F F# GShort beginning version just D G
D C Bf G D F G C D to G (first chord is song)
- He says me I’m hard to live with----Now, there’s a surprise.Eb
I’ve been living with
myself a long time---you'd think I'd realize
I’m not winning any
awards—but I’m not -cutting any deals.
Eb F
C Gm
Kind like a run down
house— not much curb appeal.
2) He’s says I drive him
crazy— and that's one short drive
The engine is still ice
cold--- when we arrive
I might be hard to
live with- but this house does have a door
And if you ain’t leaving
then stop
complaining about me --not loving you anymore.
- You thought you met someone who was wonderfulGm
You thought
you met someone who was kind.
C Gm
At least I speak in full
sentences ---most of the time.
C Gm
I don’t
gamble, you don’t drink- so we're better than we think
I might be hard
to live with- maybe— then he’s---- some kind of crazy
3) I can promise you the
moon. I could wear your silly ring
I could love you with my
whole black heart but you know I’ll always be
the bad one you fell for.
The one your mother doesn’t like.
And I’ll always be the
way I am so stay --or take a hike.
4) Yeah I’m hard to
live with----That’s not news to me.
“Easy going” isn’t
my middle name and it’s never going to be.
I’m not winning any
awards but I'm not----- cutting any deals.
Kind like a run down
house—not much curb appeal.
Chorus (No Riff)
Solo: Bill / MIKE'S FAMOUS SOLO/ Daryl's solo
Chorus Long riff at end
instead of last line.